In the Name of ALLAH and Justice do I greet my readers in the tranquil salute of Peace! My righteous name is ALLAH Education, and I am here to heal the wounds of mis-education plaguing our Nation(s). The moon cycle of Cipher Cee Truth is an eventful month in the history of the Nation of Gods and Earths. The birth of a Nation takes place in this month Freedom Power years past! So do the knowledge to the events that lead up to Oct. 10, 1964 and if you did not know, well now you know!
On Oct. 7, 1964; Karream, Al-Jabbar, and Nihiem were in Karream's brothers apartment on 127th st. They were going over some lessons they had. When Karream's brother walked in and said, "You'll going over some lessons, but it's a man in the Hole (Big Walter's Basement) saying he is Almighty God ALLAH. "Karream grabbed a meat cleaver. He told the rest to, "Wait here!", he went to the Hole. When he came back he told Prince, and Bismi ALLAH, " One is Knowledge, Two is Wisdom, Three is Understanding, Four is Culture or Freedom (when applied to 40 or more), Five is Power, Six is Equality, Seven is Allah-God, Eight is Build or Destroy, Nine is Born, and Zero is Cipher."
On Oct. 7, 1964; Karream, Al-Jabbar, and Nihiem were in Karream's brothers apartment on 127th st. They were going over some lessons they had. When Karream's brother walked in and said, "You'll going over some lessons, but it's a man in the Hole (Big Walter's Basement) saying he is Almighty God ALLAH. "Karream grabbed a meat cleaver. He told the rest to, "Wait here!", he went to the Hole. When he came back he told Prince, and Bismi ALLAH, " One is Knowledge, Two is Wisdom, Three is Understanding, Four is Culture or Freedom (when applied to 40 or more), Five is Power, Six is Equality, Seven is Allah-God, Eight is Build or Destroy, Nine is Born, and Zero is Cipher."
First Born Prince ALLAH taught my forefather Lord Kalim ALLAH, that Al-Salaam was born to ALLAH on the Build or Destroy day of Cipher Cee Truth, in the year One.
On the Knowledge add Cipher day in the month of Cipher Cee Truth, in the year One, ALLAH met First Born Prince ALLAH, and reunited the seeds which Yacub had seperated into being Blind, Deaf, and Dumb; the Black, Brown, and Yellow. Thus reversing the seperation of the seeds! The Black Messiah (Blackseed), Al-Salaam (Brownseed), and Prince ALLAH (yellowseed), show and prove that all the seeds are ALLAHs.
This is an important account of our Nation's history. There are many myths running around mystifying the origin of ALLAH's Nation. Trust nothing that cannot be traced back to ALLAH through the lineage of his Just and True Suns! The elders who walked and talked this History that I teach are still amongst us, seek and ye shall find. All praises due to my beloved blackseeds of my family tree; ALLAH, ABG#7, Gykee Mathematics, Lord Kalim, and Father Sun. Word is Bond, and Bond means Life. ALLAHs word must be bond because it surely has changed my life! If you have something better bring it to the table!
ALLAH Education
Supreme Team of VA
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